Member Directory
AISC exists because of our Members! Industry Sector Councils work within their sectors conducting research, promoting jobs and career paths, coordinating training, listening to the industry, and much more. We facilitate knowledge sharing between our Members and offer a central point for information to flow.
Atlantic Home Building & Renovation Sector Council
The Atlantic Home Building & Renovation Sector Council (AHBRSC) was established in Halifax in 1991 as a regional industrial training committee and became an industry sector council in 2000. The AHBRSC is a federally-registered, non-profit corporation and a key strategic partner for builders, renovators and trades workers in the home construction and renovation industry in Atlantic Canada. We provide a forum for partnerships, research, planning and programming to meet the current and future labour market needs of our industry. We believe that properly skilled workers build and renovate quality homes and create better communities for all of us. Working with a variety of public and private industry partners, our goal is to ensure that there is an adequate supply of fully-trained and highly-skilled trades workers to meet the needs of the home building and renovation industry in Atlantic Canada.
Automotive Sector Council of Nova Scotia
The Automotive Sector Council of Nova Scotia (ASC) is an independent non-profit organization responsible to a board of directors. We are the trusted hub for information and access to resources and industry intelligence for automotive service and repair businesses, employees, apprentices, and students. The respected voice of workforce development and labour market information for Nova Scotia’s automotive service and repair industry. We build relationships and collaboration among industry, Federal and Provincial Governments, the Nova Scotia Community College, community organizations, career practitioners, and the trades.
Canadian Manufacturers & Exporters
Leadership makes the difference. Advocating for manufacturers and exporters. Building a more competitive business environment. Providing critical and timely intelligence. Strengthening leadership through best practices and leveraging networks for success. We are Canada’s largest trade and industry association. We are Canadian Manufacturers & Exporters.
Digital Nova Scotia
Digital Nova Scotia (DNS) is the industry association for Nova Scotia’s ICT and digital technologies sector. Engaging industry stakeholders and over 240 members, we strive to connect our digital community through impactful programs, networking opportunities, industry events and innovative initiatives. DNS proudly supports business growth, skills development and capacity building, celebrates sector successes, facilitates connections between industry to talent, and drives the province’s digital economy.
Forestry Sector Council
The Forestry Sector Council is an industry-led, not-for-profit organization working to develop a skilled and professional workforce for the Nova Scotia forest industry. We collaborate with our partners to identify and solve labour challenges and pursue advancement in human resource innovation and capacity building. Our strategic priorities are human resource planning, talent attraction and retention, and skill development. Cultivating a workforce like our forests—sustainable, diverse, and growing. The Forestry Sector Council is committed to integrity, excellence, diversity, innovation, partnership and cultural competency. Using evidence-based decision-making so that Integrity is fundamental in the work we do."As Executive Director of the Forestry Sector Council, I am proud to lead an organization that stands at the intersection of sustainability, innovation, and workforce development. Our work is centered around nurturing a diverse and skilled forest industry workforce, prepared to thrive in a low-carbon future. By fostering collaborations and focusing on talent development, we ensure that our forests and the people who care for them grow together, supporting both environmental sustainability and economic growth. Our vision is clear: Cultivating a workforce like our forests – sustainable, diverse, and growing." - Heather Boyd, Executive Director

Heath+ Community Care Workforce Council
The Heath+ Community Care Workforce Council (HCSC) is committed to working with the health care and community care sectors to contribute to quality, sustainable human resources. The HCSC deals with human resource planning and development within the Nova Scotia health sector. By providing an objective focus on occupational and labour market analyses, sustaining collaborative linkages and performing research to understand developing health human resources challenges, we contribute to a viable, well-trained health sector workforce. We maintain collaborative working relationships in the health sector through our partnerships with employers, employees, industry organizations, regulatory bodies, educational institutions government departments and related agencies.

Impact Organizations of Nova Scotia
Impact Organizations of Nova Scotia (IONS) connects, supports, and advocates for Nova Scotia’s Community Impact Sector. IONS’ role is to address sector workforce challenges, to build capacity within organizations, and to increase access to expertise, opportunities, and resources. IONS provides skill building, learning opportunities, network connections, and support for impact organizations. Over the past few years, our focus has evolved and expanded to fully embrace our role championing the Community Impact Sector— voicing and amplifying the vital services and work of impact organizations. With systemic issues and major social challenges facing those living in Nova Scotia, we recognize the crucial and urgent need for a more just, equitable, and community-driven approach to re-envisioning our society. IONS is more determined than ever to highlight the need for the Community Impact Sector as a balancing force for social good and positive change.
Nova Scotia Boatbuilders Association
The NSBA supports and represents the boatbuilding and repair industry in Canada's Maritime provinces. Our mission is to support the success of our members in building, repairing, and selling quality boats, although our efforts benefit all companies in the industry. Our work includes workforce development activities such as promotion and training, including the delivery of two apprenticeship programs - Boat Builder and Marine Service Technician - in partnership with the NS Apprenticeship Agency. We track industry trends through labour market research and sector engagement, which helps us understand and share needs and opportunities. We also offer technical and business advice to employers and work closely with aligned partner organizations. This includes working with regulators to learn about proposed policy changes and informing them about the expected impact on our industry."Boatbuilding has been a key part of Nova Scotia's economy for centuries and it continues to play an important role. Since 1998, the NSBA has brought together boatbuilding and repair companies in Canada's Maritime provinces, helping to strengthen the industry and amplify its voice." - Jan Fullerton, Executive Director

Nova Scotia Construction Sector Council
The Nova Scotia Construction Sector Council (NSCSC) is a not-for-profit organization that partners with industry stakeholders to provide human resource solutions, labour market information, training, education and other services to support the development, responsiveness, and sustainability of the Industrial-Commercial-Institutional construction sector in Nova Scotia.
Nova Scotia Federation of Agriculture
The Nova Scotia Federation of Agriculture (NSFA) represents over 2,000 farm businesses and families across the province, employing more than 5,000 people. The NSFA supports its members through advocacy efforts and the delivery of programs and services, all with the vision of a prosperous and sustainable future for Nova Scotia’s farms and farmers. Among the programs offered, Farm & Workforce Development helps farms with human resources, skills training, career promotion, worker recruitment and retention, and succession planning. Farm Safety Nova Scotia focuses on keeping farmers, their families, and employees safe. Meet Your Farmer works to increase the public’s trust in the industry through public awareness campaigns and by supporting farmers in sharing their message. The Environmental Farm Plan assists farmers in identifying and assessing environmental risks, helping them incorporate environmental considerations into their everyday business decisions."Our goal is to equip farms to tackle current challenges and seize future opportunities. We offer a range of supports, from training and resources, to advocacy, addressing key areas crucial for the future of agriculture." - Carolyn Van Den Heuvel, Executive Director

Nova Scotia Fisheries Sector Council
The Nova Scotia Fisheries Sector Council represents fish harvesting, seafood processing and aquaculture sectors in the Province of Nova Scotia. We work directly with employers to help improve HR practices, along with support in their attraction, recruitment and retention efforts. We also help to build capacity in the industry along with facilitating training delivery."Nova Scotia employers are fortunate to have the support of the Sector Council Program to improve the image of the industry, help to promote careers and modernize our HR practices."

Nova Scotia Tourism Human Resource Council
The Nova Scotia Tourism Human Resource Council (NSTHRC) is a provincial sector council that promotes and enhances professionalism in the Nova Scotia tourism sector. The mission of the Council is to develop a skilled and professional workforce for the Nova Scotia Tourism Industry. A founding member of Tourism HR Canada, NSTHRC is considered one of the leading tourism human resource councils and works closely with all regional, and provincial tourism groups and partners and with appropriate government agencies on collective goals. NSTHRC offers a range of programming that includes occupational standards, certification, training programs and resources including online options, career awareness, and more. Together, these tools effectively form a human resource development system for the Tourism Sector that is without equal.

Ocean Technology Council of Nova Scotia
OTCNS actively promotes Ocean technology-related careers as a career choice for Nova Scotia youth by engaging with primary, secondary, and tertiary educational institutions, appropriate NGO and Government partners and stakeholders. Our members are comprised of dynamic, export-driven small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) delivering world-class advanced technologies and services.

Trucking Human Resource Sector Council Atlantic
While the Trucking Human Resource Sector Council Atlantic is a not-for-profit, we are a for-impact organization. Our focus is to assist the trucking industry of Atlantic Canada with their workforce development. From professional driver to dispatch to administration, THRSC Atlantic is supporting both employers and employees through innovative strategic practices.